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Incident Reports

Position Statements

Time Capsules

  • Science & Technology Timeline

From the 21st Century

From the 20th Century

  • Congress Closed OTA
  • Nixon Abolished OST
  • The Apollo Mission
  • McCarthyism and Science
  • Origin of the National Science Foundation
  • Transistor & Laser: Useful & Useless
  • Lysenkoism
  • The Scopes Trial
  • 1919: Einstein Becomes a Celebrity
  • Relativity as "Jewish Science"
  • Robert Wood, René Blondlot, and N-Rays

From the 19th Century

From the 18th Century and Before

  • John Harrison and the Longitude Problem
  • Overthrow of the Phlogiston Theory
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Timekeeping, Surveying, & Navigation
  • Newton
  • Galileo's Telescope
  • The Gregorian Calendar
  • The Invention of the Clock
  • Invention of the Magnetic Compass (12th Century)

Briefings & Reviews

  • Evolution and the Vatican
  • Status Briefing August 2005
  • Intelligent Design
  • Anthropogenic Climate Change
  • Pseudo-Science Boondoggles
  • Pseudo-Medicine Kills People
  • The Government Rewriting Scientific Reports
  • EPA Shenanigans
  • Plan B
  • Drug Testing and FDA and Politics and Money
  • Stem-Cell Research
  • Abstinence-Only Sex Education
  • Missile-Defense "Testing"
  • Bad Newspaper Headlines
  • Social Darwinism
  • Eugenics
  • Hollywood & Gravity
  • Science on Trial
  • Hydrogen Fuel Initiatives
  • "Mad Scientists"
  • Grand Canyon Origins

Case Studies in Science

  • Plate Tectonics
  • Solar-Flare Cycles
  • The Age of the Earth
  • Solar Energy and Fusion
  • Atomic Metaphysics and the Discovery of the Electron
  • The Lumineferous Ether
  • The Positron
  • The Neutrino



  • David Baltimore
  • Vannevar Bush
  • Jacques Cousteau
  • Richard Dawkins
  • Freeman Dyson
  • Sir Arthur Eddington
  • Albert Einstein
  • Richard Feynman
  • Sandford Fleming
  • Jane Goodall
  • Stephen Jay Gould
  • Brian Greene
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Danny Hillis
  • Gerald Holton
  • Nicholas Humphrey
  • C. Everett Koop
  • Richard Leakey
  • Benoit Mandelbrot
  • Peter Medawar
  • Marvin Minsky
  • Philip Morrison
  • J. Robert Oppenheimer
  • John Allen Paulos
  • Roger Penrose
  • Martin Rees
  • Colin Renfrew
  • Oliver Sacks
  • Carl Sagan
  • John Maynard Smith
  • Ian Stewart
  • Lewis Thomas

Science Writers

  • Natalie Angier
  • James Burke
  • Kenneth Chang
  • James Gleick
  • Ben Goldacre
  • David Harris
  • Chris Mooney
  • John Allen Paulos
  • David Quammen
  • Richard Rhodes
  • Michael Shermer
  • Takashi Tachibana
  • Carl Zimmer

Other Writers

Still Others

  • Alan Alda
  • Jacob Bronowski
  • Walter Cronkite
  • James Randi
  • Daniel Schorr

US Government


  • House Committee on Government Reform Minority Office home
  • House Committee on Science home
  • Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation home


STEM Scorecards



Hearings & Testimony

White House


Vice Presidents

  • Al Gore

Supreme Court


Federal Courts




  • National Academies

National Laboratories

  • Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • Los Alamos

Local Jurisdictions

Other Government

  • Council of Minsters of Education, Canada

Professional Societies

  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
  • American Association of Physicists in Medicine
  • American Association of Physics Teachers
  • American Astronomical Society (AAS)
  • American Chemical Society
  • American Geological Institute
  • American Geophysical Union
  • American Institute of Biological Sciences
  • American Institute of Physics
  • American Institute of Professional Geologists
  • American Mathematical Society
  • American Medical Association
  • American Physical Society
  • American Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • American Society of Engineering Education
  • Association for Women in Mathematics
  • Association for Women in Science
  • Astronomical Society of the Pacific
  • British Association for the Advancement of Science
  • Council on Undergraduate Research
  • Engineering Deans Council
  • Federation of Materials Societies
  • Geological Society of America
  • IEEE
  • The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
  • Materials Research Society
  • Mathematical Association of America
  • National Association of Science Writers
  • National Science Teachers' Association
  • The Royal Society of London
  • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  • SPIE



  • Dirac Medal
  • Nobel Prize

Reports and Recommendations


Education & Learning

Science Museums

  • Planetaria

The Scientific Enterprise

  • The Role of Skepticism

Philosophy of Science

  • The Greeks
  • Aristotle & Plato
  • Francis Bacon
  • Karl Popper: Conjectures & Refutations and The Demarcation Problem
  • Rudolph Carnap
  • Thomas Kuhn

Science & Society

  • Science in Art
  • Politicizing Science

Public Health

  • The Tuskegee Syphilis Study
  • Fluoridation of Water
  • Vaccination


  • Scientific Cuisine
  • What is the cost of anti-scientism?
  • Quantifying Anti-Scientism
  • Distorting the Scientific Process
  • Anti-Scientism and US Competitiveness in Technology
  • The Language of Science
  • Science: What Good is it?
  • Poets vs. Scientists
  • Scientific Hyperbole: Walking on Water
  • "Fact" and "Truth" in Science
  • Jargon vs. Mumbo-Jumbo
  • Correlation vs. Cause: Leukemia & Cell Phones
  • "Snake Oil"

Reading List

  • Book Notes
  • Recommended Books in
    • Numeracy
    • Science
    • Engineering
    • Scientific Biography
    • History of Science
    • Science and Society
    • Philosophy of Science
  • Recommended Articles
  • Recommended Websites
  • Recommended Blogs

Resource Pages


science time-capsules